Running on wine; from marathons to rafting to “fueling” on the patio, we are ‘Fueled by Vivac Winery’.

Everyone has a blog these days so why should you read ours? We started this blog to give fans of our winery another way to connect with us, a way that would fit in with all our other social media efforts in a truly different way, a deeply personal way. Join us as we share the stories behind the winery, the people that make it special, and the trials and tribulations that drive us to drink.
Fueled by Vivác is not only a blog, but a way to give back to our communities around New Mexico. By sponsoring Marathons, Short Distance Races, Triathlons, Bike Races, Ski Competitions, Rafting Adventures and more, we encourage young and old to get out in nature and play!
Post a pic of yourself at a race in one of our “Fueled by Vivac” sports shirts on social media, tag us & get a FREE BOTTLE OF WINE! How do I get a “Fueled by Vivác” sports shirt? contact us at or 505-579-4441