Keg Wines

Go green with Vivác Winery wines in Kegs!

Our Nationally recognized, professionally crafted, hand made wines that you know and love, without all the packaging. Refillable 1 Lt wine growlers are available at our tasting room!!

Wine in Kegs is the perfect answer to your next party or event!

*Never corked, never stale, fresh from the 1st glass poured to the last in the keg.​ *An economical choice for at home use, & the perfect option for a party or celebration! *​A full keg is equivalent to 26 btls (just over 2 case buy in).

Sangiovese, dry Rose or dry Riesling 
Equivalent of $8/ btl or $1.60/ glass

Cabernet Sauvignon or Specialty Wht​ (when available) $260
Equivalent of $10/ btl or $2.00/ glass

Syrah or Specialty Red (when available)
Equivalent of $12/ btl or $2.40/ glass 

Set up and deposit cost:

$75 deposit for full set-up (tap, regulator, hoses, stainless parts & argon) for keg #1 + $30 keg shell rental. $50 deposit for full set-up (tap, regulator, hoses, & stainless parts) on each additional keg + $30 keg shell rental. Full deposit refund with returned, undamaged equipment. BUY A BOTTLE, PLANT A TREE! For very Vivac wine sold, we plant a tree with Eden Reforestation Projects to #PlantTreesSaveLives ( A single keg is 26 trees! 

Vivac Winery